General Provisions
   117.001   Definitions
   117.002   Applicability
   117.003   Administration and enforcement
   117.004   Misdemeanor offenses
   117.015   Required; exception
   117.016   Drilling permit coverage
   117.017   Operation and maintenance permit coverage
   117.018   Application
   117.019   Bond
   117.020   Termination of liability under bond
   117.021   Permit issuance
   117.022   Fees for drilling and annual well permit
   117.023   Term of permit
   117.024   Permit renewal required each year
   117.025   Change of ownership; transferability
   117.026   Notice to Fire Chief; new bond required
   117.027   Grounds for revocation
   117.028   Notice of intention; remedy of noncompliance required
   117.029   Requirements prior to new construction
   117.030   Abandoned wells that do not meet current DOGGR standards
   117.031   Requirement for a soils gas study or methane mitigation system
Operation and Maintenance Requirements
   117.040   Location of wells
   117.041   Derricks and masts
   117.042   Signs
   117.043   Blowout prevention
   117.044   Sumps
   117.045   Well cellars to be kept covered and free of certain substances
   117.046   Removal of equipment
   117.047   Roads to be surfaced
   117.048   Sanitary facilities to be maintained
Storage Facilities
   117.060   Maximum permitted storage capacity
   117.061   Skim pits
   117.062   Location of tanks
   117.063   Spacing between tanks
   117.064   Foundations and supports
   117.065   Stairs, platforms and walkways
   117.066   Dikes, diversion walls and catchment basins
   117.067   Tank design and construction
   117.068   Vents
   117.069   Tank valves
   117.070   Loading and unloading facilities
Piping, Valves and Fittings
   117.080   Materials and design
   117.081   Protection against corrosion and galvanic action
   117.082   Supports
   117.083   Valves
   117.084   Swing joints
   117.085   Pipe joints
   117.086   Bends
   117.087   Testing
Fire Prevention Procedures
   117.100   Installation and maintenance of electrical equipment
   117.101   Location of internal combustion engines, fired equipment, open flames, and the like; exceptions
   117.102   Mufflers on engines required; escape of flames, sparks, ignited carbon and soot to be prevented
   117.103   Burning and control of flammable waste gases
   117.104   Ignition of gases released through flares
   117.105   Waste control of drill site
   117.106   Smoking prohibited in certain areas
   117.107   Fire extinguishers required
Abandonment and Desertion
   117.120   Idle well; regulation and permitted number per operator
   117.121   Appeal to retain an excess idle well
   117.122   Idle well as public nuisance
   117.123   Notice of public nuisance well
   117.124   Well to remain idle pending decision or exception
   117.125   Application for decision or exception
   117.126   Abandonment; requirements, timing and penalty
   117.127   Criteria for abandonment
   117.128   Procedure for abandonment by city of deserted well
   117.129   Requirements prior to new construction
   117.130   Abandoned wells that do not meet current DOGGR standards
   117.131   Requirement for a soils gas study or methane mitigation system
Site Maintenance
   117.140   Applicability
   117.141   Definition
   117.142   Enclosure of site
   117.143   Gate specifications
   117.144   Application to existing enclosures
   117.145   Setback areas
   117.146   Appearance
   117.155   Authority of City Council
   117.156   Filing procedure; contents
   117.157   Transmittal of information by City Manager
   117.158   Notice of hearing required
   117.159   Hearing of appeal; continuance
   117.160   Action of City Council
   Oil pipeline systems, see §§ 114.080 et seq.
   Gas pipeline systems, see §§ 114.120 et seq.