Nothing in this subchapter shall be deemed or construed to prohibit any of the following:
   (A)   The selling, giving, lending or furnishing to any person under the age of 18 years, upon the written consent of the parent or guardian of such person, any article mentioned in § 135.16.
   (B)   Any person under the age of 18 years from having in his possession, care, custody or control, any article mentioned in § 135.15, in the event that such possession, care, custody or control of such article is had with the consent of the parent or guardian of such person and is under the direct supervision and control of some adult person.
   (C)   Any person under the age of 18 years from firing, discharging, shooting or operating, any article mentioned in § 135.15, when such person is accompanied by and under the direct care and control of some adult person and is engaged in hunting any wild game or predatory bird or animal which may be lawfully hunted and killed or is lawfully engaged in shooting at any inanimate target or trapshooting device, while accompanied by, and under the direct care and control of some such adult person.
   (D)   Any person under the age of 18 years from firing, discharging, shooting or operating, any article mentioned in § 135.15, when such person is in or upon any pistol, rifle or target range located on school premises, and provided further that such range is so installed, constructed, safeguarded, equipped and used as to adequately prevent any missile or projectile from being propelled or projected beyond the confines of such range.
('64 Code, § 15-18) (Ord. 22, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 325, passed 12-28-67)