§ 155.017 USES NOT LISTED.
   (A)   When a use is not specifically listed in any of the zones, the Planning Commission may, after study and deliberation, determine the proper zone classification for said use. The Commission's decision shall be based on a study of said use and on a finding that the following conditions apply:
      (1)   That said use is definitely similar to other uses permitted in the zone within which it is proposed to be located; and
      (2)   That said use and its operation are compatible with and potentially not more detrimental or obnoxious than uses listed in the same zone.
   (B)   The Planning Commission's findings shall be set forth in a resolution and said resolution shall contain the facts and reasons for said findings.
('64 Code, § 22.00) (Am. Ord. 358, passed 7-10-69; Am. Ord. 501, passed 6-24-75)