§ 155.260 LANDSCAPING.
   The following landscaping provisions shall apply in the M-2 Zone. In addition, the landscaping provisions of §§ 155.545 through 155.559 shall apply:
   (A)   Where an M-2 Zone adjoins a dedicated street, a minimum area equivalent to 25 square feet for each lineal foot of frontage on said street shall be suitably landscaped and maintained. In addition, all parking areas shall have landscaping installed equivalent to 6% of the total parking area. This landscaping shall be distributed so that 50% of the landscaping is located around the perimeter of the parking area, and the balance located within the parking area. Said landscaping shall be located on private property behind the planned street width line and shall be clearly visible from the street frontage.
   (B)   For property frontage on a major or secondary highway, the front yard landscaping area shall consist of a grass lawn with undulating earth berms two to three feet in height and minimum 24 inch box trees.
   (C)   For property with frontage on a local street, a minimum 15 feet wide landscaping strip shall be required between the on-site parking area and the property line adjoining a public street, excepting locations for driveways. On lots fronting a major or secondary highway, said landscaping strip shall be 20 feet in width.
   (D)   The public parkway adjoining the lot shall be improved with a sidewalk and/or landscaping including public street trees in accordance with the requirements of the Director of Public Works.
   (E)   Where fences or walls, including building walls, are located within 30 feet of a public street, the entire area between the public street and fence, wall or building wall shall be landscaped, excepting locations for driveways.
   (F)   Concrete curbs a minimum six inches in height shall be installed along the borders of all on-site landscaped areas adjoining driveways, off-street parking and loading areas and other similar improvements.
   (G)   The Planning Commission shall have the authority to grant a temporary waiver of required landscaping in accordance with the provisions of § 155.557.
('64 Code, § 47.21) (Am. Ord. 358, passed 7-10-69; Am. Ord. 367, passed 12-11-69; Am. Ord. 700, passed 9-11-86; Am. Ord. 746, passed 4-13-89) Penalty, see § 10.97