(A)   Administrative citations exclusive remedy. Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, this subchapter shall be punishable exclusively through the city's administrative citation process, unless state law allows the use of other enforcement mechanisms.
   (B)   Amount of citations. The amount of citation fees shall be the lesser of the maximum limits of state law or this code.
   (C)   Ability to pay. If a person receives an administrative citation for a violation of this subchapter and that person meets the criteria contained in Cal. Government Code § 68632(a) or (b), the city shall accept 20% of the administrative fine imposed as full satisfaction of the fine.
   (D)   Remedies inapplicable to other violations of law. The provisions and limitations of this subchapter shall not apply to a violation of any other provision of this code and/or state law or regulation, including, but not limited to, the California Retail Food Code.
(Ord. 1098, passed 8-13-20)