(A)   From time to time, employees will be given the use of county property to perform their jobs.
   (B)   County property includes, but is not limited to, all equipment, vehicles, electronics, cell phones and computers given or issued to the employee for the performance of his or her job.
   (C)   All employees shall use county property for the use intended and at the direction of their supervisors.
   (D)   County property shall not be used for personal purposes.
   (E)   Theft or willful destruction of county property is prohibited. Additionally, the county maintains all ownership in any county property, may demand the return of the property or may assign the property to another employee at its sole discretion.
   (F)   Employees have no right to exclude the county from entering, searching or reviewing at any time anything in the county property, created with the assistance of the county property, or stored by, within or in the county property.
   (G)   Employees have no expectation of privacy in the use of any county property.
(Ord. passed 6- -2019; Ord. 2021-07, passed - -)