A.   Height: The height of any fence shall not exceed six feet (6') and may be required to be less if otherwise stated.
   B.   Interior Lot:
      1.   Side Yard: A fence may be located up to and at the property line but not to encroach onto the neighboring property, and the vertical support posts must be on the owner's side of the property and the horizontal fencing material to the neighboring side.
      2.   Rear Yard: If an alley borders the property, the setback shall be at least thirteen feet (13') from the center of the alley. If no alley exists, a five foot (5') setback is required to accommodate easements.
      3.   Placement On Easement Prohibited: In any event, no "fence", as defined in section 9-4-1 of this chapter, shall be placed on an easement.
   C.   Front Yard:
      1.   Fences not exceeding six feet (6') in height shall not be constructed closer to the front property line than five feet (5') back from the front building line of the main residential building. From such point two feet (2') inside the front property line, a fence may not exceed forty two inches (42") and shall not be a "screening fence" as defined in section 9-4-1 of this chapter.
      2.   A front yard fence or hedge or any other structure may not be constructed closer to the front property line than two feet (2') inside the front property line. As a general rule only, the front property line of residential property is often eight inches (8") from the inside or property side of the sidewalk.
   D.   Corner Lot: On corner lots, the same height and construction requirements as the side yard requirements herein shall apply; except, on the side yard nearest the street, there shall be at least a two foot (2') setback from the side property line.
   E.   View At Intersections: No hedge, tree, fence or other obstruction shall be permitted to be within thirty feet (30') from any curb or edge of a street intersection so as to obstruct the vision of motorists. Other obstructions shall not include a fence of open wire or wirelike material or split rail and horizontal board fences limited to two (2) horizontal members, each member not to exceed five and three-fourths inches (53/4") in width with the top of the uppermost horizontal member being located not over forty two inches (42") high and the vertical members limited to forty eight inches (48") in height. (Ord. 465, 2-20-2012)
   F.   Variances: Should any change or variation from the regulations of this section be requested on the permit, the permit shall be denied by the zoning inspector and returned to the village clerk who will notify the zoning board of the need for a zoning board meeting to consider the variation, and they will make a recommendation to the village board who will determine the final decision as provided by this code. (Ord. 465, 2-20-2012; amd. 2016 Code)