ANIMAL RUN: Any confined area without a roof, not a regular part of any other structure on the same premises (but which may be attached thereto), designed and maintained for domesticated pets or animals.
BUILDING LINE: That line created by the front or side of any building foundation, as the case may be, as extended to the property line of the property on which building is located.
FENCE: A permanent, living or nonliving structure forming a barrier which is not otherwise a part of any building or structure and used to delineate a boundary line as a means of confinement or for the purpose of privacy. A hedge of any natural or planted flora used for any of the foregoing purposes shall be considered to be a fence for the purpose of this chapter.
HEIGHT OF A FENCE: The height as measured from the existing grade level of the property on which the fence is installed to the highest most point located on the fence.
OPEN FENCE: A fence, including gates, with open spaces which afford direct views through the fence comprising at least seventy percent (70%) of each one foot (1') wide segment extending over the entire length and height of the fence.
PERIMETER FENCE: A fence which, to the extent permitted by this code, runs generally parallel to and in close proximity to the lot lines of any given lot or tract of land.
SCREENING FENCE: A solid fence which totally obscures vision from one side to the other, including any gate or entryway thereon or which is a part thereof. (Ord. 384, 11-18-2002, eff. 12-1-2002; amd. 2016 Code)