(A)   All sewers to be connected directly to a trunk sewer shall be inspected by personnel of the city during construction. At least 48 hours prior to cutting into a sewer, the city shall be notified. In making a connection to a trunk sewer, no physical alteration of the city sewer facilities shall commence until an inspector is present.
   (B)   (1)   Sewer facilities which will not be directly connected to a city sewer will not be inspected routinely by the city during construction. Upon completion of construction and prior to removal of the downstream bulkhead and upon receiving 48 hours notice, the city will inspect the work to determine if it has been constructed in a satisfactory manner and to determine if all facilities are cleaned of construction debris that could be flushed into the sewer system. No wastewater shall be discharged into any sewerage facility tributary to a city facility prior to obtaining inspection and approval of sewage construction by the city.
      (2)   Following satisfactory completion of construction, the city will issue a construction inspection certificate upon request.
(1994 Code, § 13.20.180)  (Ord. 78-105, passed - -1978)