The City Manager, with the concurrence of a majority of the members of the City Commission, shall appoint a Law Director who shall at all times be licensed and in good standing to practice law in the State of Ohio, and who shall hold office at the pleasure of the City Manager. The Law Director and his assistants shall act as the legal advisors to, and attorneys and counsel for, the Municipality and all of its officers in matters relating to their duties. The Law Director or his or her assistants shall prepare all contracts, bonds, and other instruments in writing in which the Municipality is concerned, and shall endorse on each approval of the form and correctness thereof; and no contract with the Municipality shall take effect until such approval is thus endorsed thereon. The Law Director or his or her assistants shall be the prosecutor or prosecutors in the Municipal Court, and shall perform such other duties as the City Commission may by ordinance authorize. In addition to such duties the Law Director and his or her assistants shall perform such other duties as may be required of them by the City Manager, as well as such as may be required by law directors by the general laws of the State applicable to municipalities and not inconsistent with this Charter or with any ordinance or resolution that may be passed by the City Commission.
The Law Director and his or her assistants shall have the power at any time to cause the affairs of any department or the conduct of any officer or employee to be investigated, but upon request of the City Manager or City Commission it shall be mandatory upon the Law Director or his or her assistants to make such investigation.
The Law Director or an assistant shall be required to attend all meetings of the City Commission, except when excused by the City Commission and the Law Director or an assistant shall give an opinion in writing when so requested, to the City Commission, to the City Manager, or to the head of any department or the head of any office not connected with a department, upon any question of law involving their respective powers and duties.
Wherever in the Charter the term "City Solicitor" is used it shall be deemed to refer to Law Director pursuant to this section.
(Amended 11-3-15)