Illicit Discharge and Illegal Connection Control
941.01   Purpose and scope.
941.02   Applicability.
941.03   Definitions.
941.04   Disclaimer of liability.
941.05   Responsibility for administration.
941.06   Conflicts, severability, nuisances and responsibility.
941.07   Discharge and connection prohibitions.
941.08   Monitoring of illicit discharges and illegal connections.
941.09   Requirement to prevent, control and reduce storm water pollutants by the use of Best Management Practices.
941.10   Watercourse protection.
941.11   Notification of spills.
941.12   Enforcement.
941.13   Remedies not exclusive.
941.14   Criminal prosecution.
      Comprehensive storm water management - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 935
      Erosion and sediment control - see S.U & P.S. Ch. 937