(a)   No plumbing or drainage work shall be commenced in any building or premises until a permit to do the work has been obtained from the administrative authority. Plumbing includes installation, replacement, or repair of water service pipes.
   (b)   All properties where such installation, replacement, or repair of backflow prevention devices are made shall be inspected by the administrative authority for compliance with the Backflow Regulations of the City, adopted under Ordinance No. 94-114 of the City of Sandusky, Ohio, or as thereafter amended or modified by appropriate legislative action, and with the Backflow Contamination Prevention Standards adopted thereunder or pursuant thereto, through the water service connection into the public water system.
   (c)   A separate permit shall be obtained for each building or structure. Permits are not transferable.
   (d)   Every permit issued by the administrative authority under the provisions of this Plumbing Code shall expire by limitation, and become null and void if the work authorized by the permit is not commenced within ninety days from the date of issuance of the permit, or if the work authorized by the permit is suspended or abandoned at any time within ninety days after the work is commenced. Before any work which has been suspended or abandoned, may be recommenced, a new permit must first be obtained.
(1980 Code 174.08)