(a)   Intent. In order to encourage greater flexibility and more attractive arrangements of buildings, and greater utilization of open spaces, yard regulations for multifamily dwellings are established for "single development" (one M-F building on a lot), and yard regulations are established for locating several buildings in relation to each other within the interior of a lot of a "group development" (2 or more M-F buildings on a parcel), not subdivided into the usual street and lot pattern.
   (b)   Definitions. The following terms are used in this section since the terms "front," "side," and "rear elevations of buildings" are not appropriate.
(1)   "Main wall" means any exterior wall, generally the longitudinal, containing all required windows of one or more habitable rooms.
(2)   "End wall" means other exterior walls, generally the transverse, not containing all the required windows of a habitable room, but which may contain one such window.
(3)   "Overlapping walls" means that portion of the walls of 2 buildings which are directly opposing when 2 buildings, parallel, or within 30 degrees of parallel, face each other across an open space.
   (c)   Yard Regulations for Single Development.
(1)   Side yard width, from a side lot line to a main wall, shall be not less than 20 feet for a one-story building.
(2)   Side yard width, from a side lot line to an end wall, shall be not less than 10 feet for a one-story building.
(3)   Increased height. The width of side yards in each of the preceding relationships shall be increased 5 feet for each additional story height.
(4)   Front and rear yard depth shall be not less than set forth in the schedule in Section 1129.14.
   (d)   Yard Regulations for Group Development.
(1)   Main wall relationship. The yard, or distance between the main walls of buildings, if only one story high, facing each other across an open space or court, shall be not less than 40 feet, and where the walls overlap more than 40 feet, the distance shall be increased 4 inches for each additional foot opposing main walls overlap.
(2)   Main and end wall relationship. The yard, or distance between an end wall and a main wall of 2 buildings, if only one story high, facing each other across an open space, shall be not less than 30 feet.
(3)   End and end wall relationship. The yard, or distance between an end wall and an end wall of 2 buildings, if only one story high, facing each other across an open space, shall be not less than 20 feet.
(4)   Walls not overlapping. Where walls of 2 buildings, if only one story high, do not directly face each other or overlap, the yard, or distance between their nearest corners, shall be not less than 20 feet.
(5)   Increased story height. Distances between buildings in each of the preceding relationships shall be increased 2-1/2 feet for each story each of the buildings exceeds one story.
(6)   Lot lines and building relationship. The width of side yards at the boundary of a group development shall be not less than the required side yards for a single development, subsections (c)(1) and (2) hereof, and the depth of front and rear yards shall be not less than set forth in Section 1129.14.
(7)   Uses of yards. The above required yards shall be landscaped, and may be used for pedestrian walks and passive recreational areas. If, however, yards between buildings are used for parking areas, driveways, or playgrounds, distances between buildings shall be increased by the total width of these intermediary facilities. The site shall be designed so that entrances to all buildings shall be located not more than 200 feet from any access drive, the distance to be measured along a pedestrian walk.
   (e)   Approval. Development plans showing the locations of buildings, yards, driveways, parking areas, recreation areas, and other site improvements for "group developments" shall be submitted to the Commission, and until found to comply with the Zoning Code and approved by it, building permits shall not be issued.
(1980 Code 151.33)