§ 152.04 APPEALS.
   (A)   Request. The owner, owner’s agent or occupant may appeal an order issued pursuant to §§ 152.02 or 152.03 of this chapter by filing a request for a hearing with the City Administrator/Clerk- Treasurer within ten working days of the date of the order. In the event that a request is timely filed, the City Council shall within three weeks fix a date for a public hearing.
   (B)   Hearing. The appellant, the appellant’s representative, the Building Official and any other person whose interests are affected by the order shall be given an opportunity to be heard.
   (C)   Written opinion. The City Council shall render a written opinion no later than the third regularly scheduled City Council meeting following the appeal hearing. The City Council may adopt a resolution levying an assessment for all or a portion of the costs incurred in correcting the emergency. A copy of the decision and the resolution shall be served upon the appellant in the manner set forth above.
(Prior Code, § 425.07) (Ord. 2014-11, passed 5-21-2014)