When the Building Official determines that a violation of this chapter constitutes an imminent peril to life, health, safety or property and there does not exist sufficient time to follow the procedures set forth, the Building Official may take appropriate action to correct the violation by the procedure set forth below.
   (A)   Order by City Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer. The Building Official shall obtain from the City Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer or the City Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer’s designated representative, a written administrative order directing the Building Official to correct the emergency situation. A good faith effort shall be made to inform the owner, the owner’s agent or the occupant that the action is being taken.
   (B)   Notice of the correction. After the corrective action has been taken and the costs of the action have been determined, the Building Official shall serve the owner, the owner’s agent or the occupant with a notice of the action, which shall contain the following information:
      (1)   A description of the emergency circumstances;
      (2)   The corrective action taken by the city;
      (3)   The cost incurred in correcting the emergency;
      (4)   The city’s intent to assess some or all of the costs against the corrected property; and
      (5)   A statement that the owner, the owner’s agent or the occupant may request a hearing with the City Council to review the Building Official’s actions and the possible assessment of costs. The request for hearing shall be in writing and submitted to the City Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer within ten working days of the date of the notice.
(Prior Code, § 425.05) (Ord. 2014-11, passed 5-21-2014)