   The Planning Commission acting as the platting board has jurisdiction over platting and shall adopt and publish rules and regulations to implement this power. Jurisdiction includes, but is not limited to, the control of:
   (a)   Form, size, and other aspects of subdivisions, dedications, and vacations of land;
   (b)   Dimensions of lots or tracts;
   (c)   Street width, arrangement, and right-of-way, including allowance for access to lots and installation of street paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, sewers, water lines, drainage, and other public utility facilities and improvements.
§ 13.03.020. PROCEDURE.
   (a)   The platting board shall within 60 days of filing approve or disapprove the plat or shall return it to the applicant for modification or correction. If the board fails to act, the plat is considered approved and a certificate of approval shall be issued by the board on demands The applicant for plat approval may consent to the extension of the period for action by the board. The board shall state on its record and in writing to the applicant its reason for disapproval of a plat.
   (b)   The platting board shall submit an approved plat to the district recorder in compliance with A.S. 40.15.010 through 40.15.020.
   (a)   The platting authority shall, in individual cases, waive the preparation, submission for approval, and recording of a plat upon satisfactory evidence that:
      (1)   Each tract or parcel of land will have adequate access to a public highway or street;
      (2)   Each parcel created is five acres in size or larger and that the land is divided into four or fewer parcels;
      (3)   The conveyance is not made for the purpose of, or in connection with, a present or projected subdivision development;
      (4)   No dedication of a street, alley, thoroughfare or other public area is involved or required.
   (b)   In other cases the platting authority may waive the preparation, submission for approval, and recording of a plat, if the transaction involved does not fall within the general intent of A.S. 29.40.070 through 29.40.190 and A.S. 40.15 if it is not made for the purpose of, or in connection with, a present or projected development and no dedication of a street, alley, thoroughfare, park or other public area is involved or required.
   A plat shall show initial point of survey, original or reestablished corners and their descriptions, and actual traverse showing area of closure and all distances, angles and calculations required to determine initial point, corners and distances of the plat, as well as other information which may be required by ordinance.
§ 13.03.050. PENALTIES.
   (a)   The owner or agent of the owner of land located within a subdivision who transfers, sells, or enters into a contract to sell land in a subdivision before a plat of the subdivision has been prepared, approved, and recorded, is guilty of a misdemeanor in accordance.with A.S. 29.40.180, and upon conviction is punishable by a fine of not more than $500 for each lot or parcel transferred, sold, or included in a contract to be sold. The platting board may enjoin a transfer, sale, or contract to sell, and may recover the penalty by appropriate legal action.
   (b)   No person may record a plat or seek to have a plat recorded unless it bears the approval of the platting board. A person who knowingly violates this requirement is punishable upon conviction by a fine of not more than $500.