2.22.030 Quorum and Vote Required
Five members of the City Planning Commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Action granting approval of any matter, except General Plan amendments, and amendments to the Municipal Code, must be taken by a majority vote of commissioners in attendance, and a failure to do so results in an automatic denial of the pending matter. A recommendation for approval of a General Plan Amendment or an amendment to the Municipal Code shall be by the affirmative vote of not less than a majority (five) of the total membership of the commission. Procedural matters may be dealt with by a majority of those voting and not abstaining at such times when a quorum is present. The absence (temporary or permanent) of any commissioner previously recorded as present, shall be noted in the minutes for purposes of determining the presence of a quorum at all times.
(Ord. MC-1473, 3-07-18)