8.69.080 Assessment for Abatement by City - Filing of objection
The Director of Public Services shall, upon completion of the graffiti abatement, itemize the costs thereof including incidental expenses which if unpaid shall be assessed against and become a lien upon the property on which the nuisance was abated to be collected at the time and in the manner of the real property taxes by the Tax Collector, pursuant to the procedure set forth in Chapter 3.68 8 . The Director of Public Services shall forthwith initiate proceedings before the Board of Building Commissioners under Chapter 8.30 for determination and collection of the assessment for costs of abatement.
(Ord. MC-1418, 10-05-15; Ord. MC-658, 4-19-89)



8Ord. MC-1418, 10-05-15 repealed/deleted Ch. 3.68 and stated that any remaining provisions of the San Bernardino Municipal Code that reference it should now be deemed to instead reference Ch. 8.30, which it also amended.