8.63.100 Maintenance of fire protection or firebreak required when
Any person, firm or corporation, owning, leasing, using, controlling, or operating any cabin, house, hotel, house trailer, apiary, or other building, structure or improvement in the Hazardous Fire Area, shall at all times maintain upon his said land or adjacent to the cabin, house, improvement or structure, an effective fire protection or firebreak; such fire protection or firebreak is to be made by removing all inflammable vegetation or growth or other inflammable materials or vegetation from the ground around the buildings, structures and improvements for a distance of not less than thirty feet from the exterior walls of the buildings, structures, house trailers and improvements, the aforementioned fire protections or firebreak shall cover all lands situated between the building structures and the property boundary; provided, however, that this section shall not apply to trees, except where dead or where the foliage of the trees are within ten feet of the chimney, nor shall it apply to evergreen vegetation where growing and presented for decorative effect.
(Ord. 1988, 7-21-53)