8.30.022 Summary/Emergency Abatement Post-Abatement Hearing
   A.   Within 10 business days, or as soon as reasonably possible under the circumstances, following any summary abatement action by the City to abate an immediate threat to public health or safety, or imminent hazard to real or personal property, the City must provide the owner and any other responsible person with a "Notice of Summary Abatement."
   B.   The Notice of Summary Abatement shall be served in accordance with Section 8.30.23 of this Chapter and contain the following information:
      1)   A brief description of the condition and reasons why it constituted an imminent threat or hazard;
      2)   A brief description of the law prohibiting or pertaining to the imminent threat or hazard;
      3)   A brief description of the actions the City took to abate the imminent threat or hazard; and
      4)   An itemized invoice identifying all nuisance abatement costs related to the summary abatement. The invoice shall further indicate that any unpaid amounts may become a lien and special assessment against the property.
   C.   The City's determination that a public nuisance constituted an imminent threat or hazard may be appealed as set forth in Section 8.30.030. The invoice of abatement costs may be appealed as set forth in Section 8.30.045. Any party to whom an invoice has been issued shall have 45 calendar days from the date of the invoice to remit full payment of the invoice to the City. If the owner or other responsible person fails to make timely, full payment of the abatement costs within 45 days of issuance of the Notice of Summary Abatement or as ordered by the hearing officer after any appeal, the City may then proceed to collect its abatement costs in any manner allowed by law, including as set forth in Section 8.30.055.
   D.   Omission of any of the foregoing provisions in a Notice of Summary Abatement, whether in whole or in part, or the failure of an owner or responsible person to receive this document, does not render it defective or render any proceeding or action pursuant to this chapter invalid.
   E.   The decision of the Hearing Officer on the determination of nuisance is final. Any appeal of the Hearing Officer's decision shall be governed by California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6 or such section as may be amended from time to time.
(Ord. MC-1521, 9-18-19; Ord. MC-1418, 10-05-15)