2.10.030 Powers and duties
   The Director of Finance and Management Services, under the supervision and direction of the City Manager or their designee, shall have charge of the administration of the financial affairs of the City, except for Municipal Water Department. The Director of Finance and Management Services shall have the following powers and duties:
   A.   To ensure deposit of all money received by and on behalf of the City in such depository or depositories as may be designated by the Mayor and City Council, in compliance with all the provisions of the State Constitution and laws of the State governing the handling, deposit and securing of public funds and the handling of trust funds in his possession.
   B.   To maintain custody of money deposited in the City treasury, to invest same pursuant to the City’s adopted investment policy, and to transfer money from one fund into another fund by motion and a majority vote of the City Council or by its approval of the tentative and final budgets containing fund balances for each fiscal year.
   C.   To maintain custody of all securities bought by the City government for the account of any fund and of any unsold bonds of the City, and to make investments and keep records of those investments on behalf of the City. In the event of the sale of any bonds by the City, as provided by law, to deliver the same, and receive from the purchaser the amount of money due from such sale, and credit the same to the proper bank account in the same manner as other deposits and report such action to the legislative body and the City Manager.
   D.   To supervise all disbursements and expenditures to assure that payment has been legally authorized and appropriated, and that sufficient unencumbered appropriations exist for the payment of all claims and expenditures.
   E.   To develop, supervise and maintain the general accounting system for the City government.
   F.   To procure materials, supplies and general services for the City and establish appropriate standards and specifications with respect to the purchase of supplies, materials and equipment.
   G.   To regularly, at least quarterly, and at the end of each fiscal year prepare and submit to the City Manager, and the Mayor and City Council, a statement and report indicating the financial condition of the City, including, but not limited to, receipts, disbursements, appropriations and reserves.
   H.   To establish, supervise, and maintain a system of data processing for the handling of accounting information and other reports and tabulations required by the City.
   I.   He, or his designated representative, shall audit all purchase orders before they become effective, and audit and approve, before payment, all bills, invoices, payrolls, demands or charges against the City government, and determine the regularity, correctness, and, with the advice of the City Attorney, the legality of such claims, demands and charges; and he, or his designated representative, shall attach to the register of audited demands before submission to the Mayor and City Council his affidavit certifying as to the accuracy of the demands and the availability of funds for payment thereof pursuant to Government Code Section 37202; and he, or his designated representative, in lieu of the City Clerk, shall certify or approve demands as conforming to a budget approved by resolution pursuant to Government Code Section 37208, provided that the provisions of Section 37208 shall in other particulars be applicable to the City.
   J.   To compile the preliminary budget data, including capital and operating expenditure projections, and revenue projections for the City Manager.
   K.   To prepare and maintain current inventory of all materials, supplies and equipment of the City.
   L.   To audit or designate a representative to audit all purchase orders before they become effective, and audit and approve, before payment, all bills, invoices, payrolls, demands or charges against the City government, and determine the regularity, correctness, and, with the advice of the City Attorney, the legality of such claims, demands and charges; and to certify by attached affidavit the accuracy of the register of audited demands, and the availability of funds for payment thereof pursuant to Government Code Section 37202 before submission to the Mayor and City Council; and to certify or approve demands as conforming to a budget approved by resolution pursuant to Government Code Section 37208.
   M.   To prescribe the forms of receipts, vouchers, bills, or claims to be used by all the agencies of the City.
   N.   To supervise the work of preparing the City payroll and maintaining records of all payroll data; and he or she shall supervise the work for the State Employees' Retirement System in accordance with the law and administrative directors of the Retirement System.
   O.   To perform such other duties as may be imposed by ordinance or resolution of the Mayor and City Council, or as the City Manager may direct.
   P.   To appoint, supervise, discipline, and evaluate employees of the Department of Finance and Management Services.
(Ord. MC-1625, 2-21-24; Ord. MC-1477, 3-07-18)