8.18.070 Inventory of salvageable matter
   A.   When any of the matter referred to in Section 8.18.010 or other materials have been removed from the yard, lot or premises pursuant to the abatement procedures set forth in Sections 8.18.050 and 8.18.060 and have been determined by the Director to be salvageable, the matter and materials shall be inventoried and held and retained by the Director for a period of at least thirty days after written notice that the matter and materials are being held at a specified place for delivery to the owner thereof and a copy of the inventory has been served, by certified mail, to the last address of record, postage prepaid, or by personal delivery, upon the owner.
   B.   In the event the owner does not take possession of and remove at his own expense the matter and materials from the place where stored by the Director within thirty days after the service upon him, the City shall have a lien against the matter and materials for storage charges for the thirty day period, and the matter and materials shall thereafter be appropriated for the use of the City or disposed of or sold at public auction as follows:
      1.   Notice of such sale describing the matter and material in sufficient detail for its identification shall be published once by the Director at least five days before the time fixed for the sale in a regularly published newspaper of general circulation in the City.
      2.   The matter and materials offered for sale shall be sold to the highest bidder for cash, provided that the Director may, at his discretion, fix a minimum sale price and may refuse to sell unless the minimum price is offered.
      3.   Proceeds of the auction sale or sales shall be applied towards the cost of abatement of the nuisance and the remainder, if any, shall be deposited with the Department of Finance and Management Services, to be placed in the general fund thereof; provided, that in the event the costs of conducting the auction sale or sales and the storage charges, combined with the costs of abatement, are less than the proceeds, then the balance or difference between the costs and the total proceeds shall be refunded to the owner.
(Ord. MC-1625, 2-21-24; Ord. MC-1449, 11-01-17; Ord. MC-344, 2-22-84; Ord. 3367, 8-22-73)