8.01.010 Purpose
Pursuant to California Health and Safety Code Section 480 et seq., 500 et seq., 1155.5, Title 17 of the California Administrative Code, [now California Code of Regulations] and other relevant state law, for the protection of the environmental public health, the issuance of permits and collection of fees, and providing penalties and remedies for the violation of such regulations, there is hereby adopted by the City of San Bernardino as its Environmental Health Code, that certain Code known as the Uniform Environmental Health Code, being Chapters 1-11, Division 3, Title III of the San Bernardino County Code, except as provided in Section 8.01.020 following. This Code also specifically adopts Title III, Division 8, Chapters 1 through 11, inclusive, of the San Bernardino County Code, entitled "Underground Storage of Hazardous Substances". The City of San Bernardino designates both the City of San Bernardino, and any employee thereof, and the San Bernardino County Department of Environmental Health Services (DEHS) as the enforcement agencies for the purpose of this Environmental Health Code and all state law pertaining to environmental health. Pursuant to California Government Code Section 50022.6, a copy of said Code is on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of San Bernardino and the same is hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein.
(Ord. MC-1545, 10-07-20; Ord. MC-613, 12-21-87)