A. Any theater that has been closed for a continuous period of thirty days, and any theater that has been erected or structurally altered or enlarged, shall not be opened to the public for a performance without first having an inspection by, and the written permission of, the Development Services Department and the Fire Department of the City.
B. Upon application by the owner, agent or lessee, the Development Services Department shall cause an inspection to be made of all the public safety devices of the theater building, and if they are found to comply with the requirements hereof, shall cause such written permission to be issued forthwith. In the event the public safety devices, appurtenances, exits, or stairways are not in a secure and safe condition, they must be put into such condition before any performance is given or before the building is opened to the public. The Development Services Department shall have the right to close any theater building when any owner, lessee, or manager, or his agent refuses to comply with the provisions hereof and such theater building shall remain closed until all such requirements applicable thereto shall have been complied with.
(Ord. MC-1027, 9-09-98; Ord. 2900, 4-23-68)