5.76.430 Taxi stands - Application fee - Exemption
All applications for taxi stands, or for relocations thereof, shall be accompanied by a fee of ten dollars for each stand to be established or relocated, or such fee as may be subsequently set by Resolution of the Mayor and City Council. Applications for relocation shall be processed in like manner as an original permit. In addition to the filing fee of ten dollars, or such fee as may be subsequently set by Resolution of the Mayor and City Council, each application shall contain an agreement on the part of the applicant to reimburse the City for all expenses incurred in locating or relocating a taxi stand, such reimbursement to be made promptly upon being billed by the City.
(Ord. MC-1480, 4-18-18; Ord. 2367, 7-05-61; Ord. 1987, 7-07-53)