5.76.190 Cruising and loading
It is unlawful for any driver of any vehicle licensed under this Chapter, while driving such vehicle, to cruise, loiter or stop on a public street for the purpose of soliciting passengers or seeking a place in a taxi stand which is already occupied. It shall be lawful, however, for such vehicle while proceeding to a regularly assigned taxi stand, regularly established call station, or to the carrier's principal place of business, to accept employment when hailed from the street or curb, provided that it is unlawful for such driver to accept passengers at any of the following places:
   A.   In any marked or unmarked crosswalk;
   B.   At any regularly established bus stop;
   C.   At any place in a street except alongside a curb;
   D.   Alongside any curb opposite a regularly established and marked traffic safety zone.
(Ord. 1987, 7-07-53)