5.76.020 Definitions
For the purpose of this Chapter, the following terms shall be deemed and construed to have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section, unless from the particular context it clearly appears that some other meaning is intended:
   1.   "Advertise" means to give public notice either by publication in a newspaper, or by means of handbills, placards, or other written public notice or call to the public attention by any means whatsoever.
   2.   "Ambulance" means any privately owned emergency motor vehicle equipped or used for the purpose of providing medical care and medical transportation, primarily intended for and used for emergency transportation, but shall not mean a funeral coach or hearse.
   3.   "Carrier" means and includes every person, firm, corporation, partnership, joint venture or other form of business organization engaged in operating, or causing to be operated, any vehicle required by the provisions of this Chapter of the City, as amended, to be covered by a permit.
   4.   "City" means the City of San Bernardino, California.
   5.   "Compensation" as used in this Chapter means and includes any money, thing of value, payment, consideration, reward, tip, donation, gratuity or profit paid, accepted or received for transportation of a person or persons or for services rendered, whether paid upon solicitation, demand or contract, or voluntarily, or intended as a gratuity or donation.
   6.   "Dialysis transportation vehicle" means any privately owned motor vehicle which is equipped and used exclusively for the purpose of medical transportation of passengers requiring treatment for end stage renal disease at any licensed Hemodialysis Unit.
   7.   "Driver" means and includes every person driving, operating or in charge of any vehicle regulated by this Chapter.
   8.   "Driver's permit" means the permit issued by the Chief of Police to any person operating or driving any vehicle regulated by this chapter.
   9.   "Disabled transportation van" means a vehicle equipped as a wheelchair transportation vehicle used for the public transportation of disabled persons over the streets of the City but not over defined routes pursuant to an agreement with the City.
   10.   "Medical transportation vehicle" means any vehicle included in the definition of an ambulance, a dialysis transportation vehicle or a wheelchair passenger transportation vehicle, which is used for medical transportation.
   11.   "Non-Emergency Medical transportation" means the transportation for hire, except by taxicab or ambulance, of any passengers who may be wounded, sick, injured, ill, incapacitated, infirm, an expectant mother, or dead person, to or from any office, facility or institution which regularly offers any type of non-emergency medical care or service.
   12.   "Person" means and includes persons, firms, corporations, associations, syndicates, joint ventures, joint stock companies, partnerships and any other form of business organization.
   13.   "Street" means and includes every public street, road, alley, place, way or highway in the City.
   14.   "Taxicab" means and includes every vehicle used for the public transportation of passengers over the streets of the City, but not over defined routes, irrespective of whether such operations extend beyond the City, whether or not compensation is paid for such transportation, and whether or not the charge to patrons is determined and indicated by the mechanical calculation of a taximeter as defined in subsection 15 of this section.
   15.   "Taximeter" means a mechanical instrument or device by which the charge for hire of a taxicab is mechanically calculated, either for distance traveled, or for waiting time, or both, and upon which such charge is plainly registered by means of figures, indicating dollars and cents.
   16.   "Taxi stand" means a place on a public street designated by the City for the use, while awaiting employment, of a vehicle covered by this Chapter.
   17.   "Temporary driver's permit" means a permit issued by the Chief of Police to any person to temporarily operate or drive any vehicle regulated by this Chapter.
   18.   "Wheelchair passenger transportation vehicle" means any privately owned motor vehicle equipped or used for the purpose of medical transportation of passengers confined to a wheel chair who are unable to be transported in a normal mannerby taxicab or private automobile, but do not require the use of a stretcher, litter or ambulance cot. The use of a stretcher, litter or ambulance cot or other device for the transportation of passengers in a reclining position is prohibited in a wheelchair passenger transportation vehicle.
   19   "Taxi stand" means a place on a public street designated by the bureau for the use, while awaiting employment, of a vehicle covered by this Chapter.
   20.   "Temporary driver's permit" means a permit issued by the Chief of Police to any person to temporarily operate or drive any vehicle as defined by this Chapter.
   21.   (Repealed by Ord. MC-943, 6-06-95)
   22.   "Wheelchair passenger transportation vehicle" means any privately owned motor vehicle equipped or used for the purpose of medical transportation of passengers confined to a wheel chair who are unable to be transported in a normal manner by taxicab or private automobile, but do not require the use of a stretcher, litter or ambulance cot. The use of a stretcher, litter or ambulance cot or other device for the transportation of passengers in a reclining position is prohibited in a wheelchair passenger transportation vehicle.
   23.   "Dialysis transportation vehicle" means any privately owned motor vehicle which is equipped and used exclusively for the purpose of medical transportation of passengers requiring treatment for end stage renal disease at any licensed Hemodialysis Unit.
   24.   "Medical transportation vehicle" means any vehicle included in the definition of an ambulance, a dialysis transportation vehicle or a wheelchair passenger transportation vehicle, which is used for medical transportation.
(Ord. MC-1480, 4-18-18; Ord. 3943, 6-03-80; Ord. 3584, 7-06-76; Ord. 3486, 3-19-75; Ord. 1987, 7-07-53)