1.28.020 Police and fire salaries
Charter Section 186 Second, Article X, since its amendment in 1976, by administrative and legislative practice has consistently been interpreted in a manner that the phrase the monthly salaries, paid or approved for payment to local safety members of like or most nearly comparable positions of the police and fire departments of ten cities of California, as used to determine the monthly salaries of local safety members of the San Bernardino Police and Fire Departments by arithmetic averaging, refers to those monthly salaries set by resolution or motion of the legislative bodies of such ten cities setting forth salary plans consisting of money to be paid at various ranges and steps within the ranges for each position and which amounts the cities report to the United States Internal Revenue Service and the California Franchise Tax Board as wages or income. Any other compensation or remuneration paid or approved for payment to local safety members in such cities, regardless of how calculated, when paid or in what form, or however denominated, have not been included within "monthly salaries" as that phrase is used in Charter Section 186 and are not "monthly salaries" within the meaning of Charter Section 186. All such other forms of compensation or remuneration are fringe benefits which have been negotiated in good faith meet and confer sessions.
(Ord. MC-338, 1-25-84)