5.10.425 Integrity Provision
   (a)   All applicants listed on an application for a commercial cannabis business permit or any persons representing or lobbying on their behalf shall comply with the Integrity Standards adopted by separate Resolution of the City Council. Failure to abide by the Integrity Standards may result in disqualification from a Commercial Cannabis Business (CCB) permit review process or revocation if it is later determined that the applicant or any person associated with the application or any third party lobbying on their behalf has violated the standards.
   (b)   Prior to voting on the approval of an application of any kind related to a Commercial Cannabis Business (CCB) permit, all members of the City Council shall disclose, in public, immediately before the vote, whether they have had any commmunications directly or through an itermediary with the CCB applicant or a representative of or a lobbyist for a CCB applicant
(Ord. MC-1547, 10-21-20)