Each ordinance of the Mayor and City Council of the City shall take effect thirty days from and after the date of its adoption by the City Council if approved by the Mayor. Each resolution shall take effect on the date of its adoption by City Council if approved by the Mayor. This section shall not be applicable to:
A. Ordinances and resolutions adopted by fewer than five affirmative votes and which are vetoed by the Mayor of the City within the five-day period; and
B. Ordinances which contain urgency or emergency clauses providing for immediate effective dates;
C. An ordinance or resolution which contains express language providing for an effective date for such ordinance or resolution; and
D. Ordinances and resolutions adopted by five or more affirmative votes of the City Council which are not approved within the five-day period by the Mayor, which shall be deemed to take effect upon adoption by the City Council; and
E. Ordinances and resolutions relating to Charter Amendments as provided in Section 1.08.060.
(Ord. MC-1439, 4-03-17; Ord. 3751, 8-25-78)