A. For every person or firm or corporation conducting, managing or carrying on the business of operating or maintaining coin-operated game machines, including a certificate holder owning and maintaining one or more coin-operated game machines as an incidental business operation at any place of business, the fee shall be established by resolution of the Mayor and Common Council.
B. A "coin-operated game machine" means any machine, device or apparatus which is used as game or contest of any description or for amusement, or which may be used for any such game or contest or for amusement and the operation or use of which is permitted, controlled, or made possible by the deposit or placing of any coin, plate, disc, slug, or key into any slot, crevice or other opening, or by the payment of any fee or fees in lieu thereof, except a machine, device or apparatus specifically otherwise provided for in this Article.
(Ord. MC-817, 1-07-92)