A. For every person, firm or corporation conducting, managing or carrying on the business of a commission merchant or broker, or stock and bond broker, or buying, selling or otherwise dealing in stocks or bonds, or evidences of indebtedness of public or private persons or of incorporated entities, the fee shall be established by resolution of the Mayor and Common Council.
B. For the purpose of this Article, "commission merchant or broker" is defined to be the business of buying or selling meats, provisions, produce, food products, goods, wares or merchandise, drugs or medicines, jewelry or precious metals, or other tangible property, as a broker or agent, for the owner or consignee thereof for a fee or commission, whether or not the operation of such business customarily includes the actual possession, custody or control of goods, wares or merchandise.
C. For the purpose of this Article, "stock and bond broker" is defined to be the business of buying or selling federal, state, county or municipal stocks or bonds, or stocks or bonds of partnerships or incorporated entities, or evidences of indebtedness of private persons, partnerships or of incorporated entities, for a fee or commission.
(Ord. MC-817, 1-07-92; Ord. MC-744, 10-08-90; Ord. MC-302, 9-07-83; Ord. 1729, 11-30-44; Ord. 763, 3-02-1920)