5.04.030 Business Registration Certificate Fees - Payable in advance
   A.   All fees shall be paid in advance in legal currency of the United States at the office of the City Clerk, or by check, draft or other instrument in the discretion of the City Clerk. Any certificate, the fee for which has been paid by an instrument such as a check, draft or money order which is dishonored upon presentation for payment, shall be void and of no effect from its inception, upon notice from the City Clerk of such dishonor. The City Clerk may, in his or her discretion, withhold the effect of this provision if the fee is promptly paid. Payment of registration certificate fees following a dishonor of such an instrument upon presentment for payment shall thereafter be made only by cashier's check, money order or cash, which fee shall include any applicable penalty, as well as the service fee under Section 3.10.010 for such dishonored instrument. The City Clerk shall be authorized to reject payment other than by cash, cashier's check or money order from such certificate holder for a period of two years following any such dishonor.
   B.   A separate registration certificate must be obtained for each branch establishment or separate place of business in which the business, show, exhibition or game is carried on. Each registration certificate shall authorize the party obtaining it to carry on, pursue or conduct only that business, show, exhibition or game described in such certificate. Where a registration certificate is required for any business, show, exhibition or game, and the number of persons employed or the gross receipts of such business is made the basis for fixing the amount of the registration certificate fee, a separate fee shall be paid for each branch establishment or place of business in which the business, show, exhibition or game is carried on, based upon the number of persons employed in, or the gross receipts of, each branch establishment or separate place of business.
   C.   Monthly fees are due and payable on the first of each month in advance, from all persons who have received a business registration certificate for the previous month to carry on the same business, show, exhibition or game. From all persons who have not received such a certificate for the previous month for the same business, show, exhibition or game, the fee is due and payable, and must be procured before commencing to carry on such business, show, exhibition or game.
   D.   Except as specified in Subsection H below, quarterly fees are due and payable to the City on the first days of January, April, July and October, and such certificates expire on the last days of March, June, September and December of each year. All business registration certificates shall be reissued annually from the date of initial issuance and the quarterly fees are due and payable every three months beginning from the date of initial issuance.
   E.   Daily and weekly registration certificate fees are due and payable in advance.
   F.   Except as provided in Subsection H below and as elsewhere provided in this Article, semi-annual fees are due and payable at the times specified in this Article. If the time of payment is not specified, semi-annual fees are due and payable at the times specified in this article. If the time of payment is not specified, semi-annual licenses are payable on the first day of January and July. The first semi-annual business registration certificate issued to any person shall be issued for the unexpired period of the half year of issuance.
   G.   Annual fees are due and payable at the time specified in this Article. If the time for payment is not otherwise specified, annual license fees are payable on the first day of July of each year and shall be valid for the year ending the following June 30. The first annual business registration certificate issued to any person shall be issued for the unexpired period of the year of issuance, except as otherwise provided in this Article.
   H.   Where quarterly or semi-annual fees due from any business entity total five hundred dollars or less annually, the entire amount shall be due and payable in advance of the first day of January. As to registration certificates after August 15, 1986, the entire amount shall be due and payable annually from the date the certificate was initially issued thereon.
   I.   In issuing a quarterly or annual registration certificate for the first time for a business which has previously been operated without a registration certificate, the City Clerk shall charge the fee for the entire current year or portion of the year during which the business was in operation, to and including the current quarter. The City Clerk shall also charge for the three preceding years or portions of those years during which the business was in operation. The City Clerk shall not collect an amount exceeding. the fee for the entire current year in which the certificate is issued, plus the three preceding years or portion of those years during which the business was operated.
(Ord. MC-817, 1-07-92; Ord. MC-530, 7-22-86; Ord. MC-302, 9-07-83; Ord. MC-287, 7-07-83; Ord. MC-194, 8-03-82; Ord. MC-118, 11-16-81; Ord. 3887, 12-6-79; Ord. 2247, 11-12-58; Ord. 763, 3-02-1920)