19.68.110 Findings for Approval
   1.   Conditional Use Permits. In addition to the findings required by the City's Development Code, Chapter 19.36.050, Findings for Conditional Use Permits for surface mining operations shall include a finding that the project complies with the provisions of SMARA and State regulations.
   2.   Reclamation Plans. The Planning Commission may only approve Reclamation Plans, if all of the following findings are be made in the affirmative:
      A.   That the Reclamation Plan complies with SMARA Sections 2772 and 2773, and any other applicable provisions;
      B.   That the Reclamation Plan complies with applicable requirements of State regulations (CCR § 3500-3505 and § 3700-3713).
      C.   That the Reclamation Plan and potential use of reclaimed land pursuant to the plan are consistent with this Chapter and the City's General Plan and any applicable resource plan or element.
      D.   That the Reclamation Plan has been reviewed pursuant to CEQA and the City's environmental review guidelines, and all significant adverse impacts from reclamation of the surface mining operations are mitigated to the maximum extent feasible.
      E.   That the land and/or resources such as water to be reclaimed will be reclaimed to a condition that is compatible with, and blends in with, the surrounding natural environment, topography, and other resources, or that suitable off-site development will compensate for related disturbance to resource values.
      F.   That the Reclamation Plan will restore the mined lands to a usable condition which is readily adaptable for alternative land uses consistent with the General Plan and applicable resource plan.
      G.   That a written response to the State Department of Conservation has been prepared, describing the disposition of major issues raised by that Department. Where the City's position is at variance with the recommendations and objections raised by the State Department of Conservation, said response shall address, in detail, why specific comments and suggestions were not accepted.