19.54.040 Prohibited Home Occupation Uses
The following list presents example uses that are not incidental to nor compatible with residential activities, and are prohibited:
   1.   Barber and beauty shop;
   2.   Businesses which entail the harboring, training, breeding, raising, or grooming of dogs, cats, or other animals on the premises;
   3.   Carpentry and cabinet making;
   4.   Medical and dental offices, clinics, and laboratories;
   5.   Mini storage;
   6.   Repair, fix-it, or plumbing shops;
   7.   Storage of equipment, materials, and other accessories to the construction and service trades;
   8.   Vehicle repair (body or mechanical), upholstery, and painting;
   9.   Welding and machining; and
   10.   Any other use determined by the Director to be not incidental nor compatible with residential activities.