19.48.050 Contents
The contents of the final map shall comply with the Map Act and as follows:
   1.   Boundary
The boundary of the subdivision shall be designated by a heavy black line in a manner as not to obliterate figures of other data.
   2.   Title
Each sheet shall have a title showing the subdivision number and name and the location of the property being subdivided with reference to maps which have been previously recorded, or by reference to the plat of a United States Survey. The following words shall appear in the title, "City of San Bernardino, San Bernardino County, California."
   3.   Certificates and Acknowledgments
All certificates and acknowledgments shall be made pursuant to Map Act Sections 66433 et seq. and as approved by the City Engineer, and shall appear only once on the cover sheet.
   4.   Scale, North Point and Basis of Bearings
There shall appear on each map sheet the scale and north point. The basis of bearings shall appear on the title map sheet and each subsequent sheet or referenced on each subsequent sheet. The basis of bearing shall be based on Zone 5 of the California Coordinate System unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer.
   5.   Linear, Angular and Radial Data
Sufficient linear, angular and radial data shall be shown to determine the bearings and lengths of monument lines, street centerlines, the boundary lines of the subdivision, the boundary lines on every lot and parcel which is a part of the subdivision, and ties to existing monuments used to establish the boundary. Arc length, radius and total central angle and radial bearings of all curves shall be shown. Ditto marks shall not be used in the dimensions and data shown on the map.
   6.   Monuments
The location and description of all existing and proposed monuments shall be shown. Standard City monument types shall be set at the following locations:
      A.   The intersection of street centerlines;
      B.   The intersection of a street centerline and subdivision boundary;
      C.   Beginning and end of curves or intersection of tangents on centerlines;
      D.   Each lot/parcel corner; and
      E.   At other locations as may be required by the City Engineer.
   7.   Lot Numbers
Lot numbers shall begin with the number 1 in each subdivision and shall continue consecutively with no omissions or duplications except where contiguous lands, under the same ownership, are being subdivided in successive units, in which event, lot numbers may begin with the next consecutive number following the last number in the preceding unit. Non-buildable, open space and common lot areas shall be lettered beginning with the letter "A" and shall continue consecutively with no omissions or duplications. Each lot shall be shown entirely on 1 sheet of the final map, unless approved by the City Engineer.
   8.   Adjoining Properties
The adjoining corners of all adjoining subdivisions shall be identified by subdivision number, or name when not identified by official number, and reference to the book and page of the filed map showing the subdivision; and if no subdivision is adjacent, then by reference to the last recorded deed by book and page number for the last record owner.
   9.   City Boundaries
City boundaries which cross or join the subdivision shall be clearly designated.
   10.   Street Names
The names of all streets, alleys, or highways within or adjoining the subdivision shall be shown.
   11.   Easements and Dedications
Easements and dedications for roads or streets, paths, alleys, utilities, local transit facilities, storm water drainage, sanitary sewers or other public use as may be required, shall be dedicated to the public for acceptance by the City or other public agency, and the use shall be specified on the map.
All easements of record shall be shown on the map, together with the name of the grantee and sufficient recording data to identify the conveyance (e.g., recorder's serial number and date, or book and page of official records).
Easements not disclosed by the records in the office of the County Recorder and found by the surveyor or engineer to be existing, shall be specifically designated on the map, identifying the apparent dominant tenements for which the easement was created.
The sidelines of all easements of record shall be shown by dashed lines on the final map with the widths, lengths and bearings of record. The width and location of all easements shall be approved by the City Engineer.
Between the time of the approval of the tentative map and the recordation of the final map, no easements shall be granted to other agencies or utility companies which interfere with the City's rights in any public right-of-way.
   12.   Open Space Areas
Open space areas may be shown, subject to the approval of the City. Public open space areas shall be dedicated in fee unless otherwise specified in the approval or conditional approval of the tentative map. Private open space areas shall be dedicated as open space easements unless otherwise specified in the approval or conditional approval of the tentative map.