19.22.050 Design Principles
Signage shall be used as a positive means of identifying a business, create an image, and also to brand an identity. The following sign design principles shall be used as criteria for review and approval of Sign Permits and Sign Programs in the City of San Bernardino.
   A.   Architectural Compatibility. The sign shall be compatible with the building and the site upon which it is located. A sign (including its supporting structure, if any) shall be designed as an integral design element of a building's architecture and shall be architecturally compatible, including in terms of color and scale, with any building to which the sign is to be attached and with surrounding structures. Where more than one sign is provided, all signs shall be complementary to each other.
   B.   Context Character. A sign shall be sensitive in context to nearby uses. Where a sign is located in a district with historic buildings and landmark signs, new signs shall contribute to an integrated appearance to such district. Where a sign is located in close proximity to a residential area, the sign shall be designed and located so it has little or no impact on adjacent residential neighborhoods.
   C.   Legibility. Signage shall be designed to provide clear, legible information that indicates the proposed sign's purpose. The size and proportion of the elements of the sign's message-- including logos, letters, icons and other graphic images-- shall be selected based on the average distance and average travel speed of the viewer. Sign messages oriented toward pedestrians may be smaller than those oriented toward vehicle drivers.
   D.   Readability. A sign message shall be easily recognized and designed in a clear, unambiguous, and concise manner so that a viewer can understand or make sense of what appears on the sign. Colors chosen for the sign text and/or graphics shall have sufficient contrast with the sign background to be easily read during both day and night.
   E.   Visibility. A sign shall be conspicuous and readily distinguishable from its surroundings so a viewer can easily see the information it communicates.
   F.   Graphic Interest. Sign colors and materials shall be selected to contribute to legibility and design integrity. Signage that is creative and visually interesting is encouraged.
(Ord. MC-1531, 6-03-20)