19.17.020 Policies
The regulations, development standards, and design guidelines set forth in this section are based on the following policies:
   1.   To minimize the effects of grading and ensure that the natural character of hillside areas is retained;
   2.   To preserve the most visually significant slope banks and ridgelines in their natural state by providing for low density development;
   3.   To encourage variety in housing types, padding techniques, grading techniques, lot sizes, site design, density, arrangement, and spacing of homes and developments;
   4.   To encourage innovative architectural, landscaping, circulation, and site design;
   5.   To discourage mass grading of large pads and excessive terracing;
   6.   To provide for safe circulation of vehicular and pedestrian traffic to and within hillside areas, and to provide adequate access for emergency vehicles necessary to serve hillside areas;
   7.   To take into account unstable slopes, or slopes subject to erosion and deterioration, in order to protect human lives and property;
   8.   To encourage design and building practices to assure maximum safety from wild fire hazard; and
      9.   To preserve visually significant rock outcroppings, native plant materials, and natural hydrology.