19.14.030 Development Standards
The following development standards shall apply:
(Ord. MC-1362, 8-02-11)
Service areas including storage, special equipment, maintenance, and loading areas shall be screened with landscaping and architectural elements. The purpose is to hide those areas from the freeways. Loading docks and service areas shall be located on interior side yards and concealed from public freeway view (side yard opposite the direction of traffic).
Utility equipment and communication devices located on the grounds shall be screened so that the site will appear free of all such devices. Utility lines for water, gas, sewage, electrical, and communication shall be installed underground.
Refuse collection areas are to be visually screened with a solid perimeter wall using materials and colors compatible with those of the adjacent structures. Refuse collection areas are to be located on an interior building side yard and shall be roofed if the contents of the area are visible from any freeway.
Service, storage, and maintenance areas shall be constructed and maintained according to the following standards:
      A.   No materials, supplies or equipment, including trucks or other motor vehicles, are to be stored on-site except inside an enclosed structure or behind architectural screening, to prevent visibility from the freeway. The storage of vehicles for sale is exempt from this requirement.
      B.   All storage areas shall be screened by walls and shall be located on the side or rear portions of structures.
      C.   Architectural screening shall be constructed of the same materials and finishes compatible with the adjacent structure, and shall be designed and placed to complement the building design.
      D.   No service, storage, maintenance, or loading area may extend into a landscape setback buffer area.
      A.   Facades should be designed to convey a sense of order through the interplay of light, shadow and texture. Facade articulation should reinforce a sense of quality and integrity.
      B.   A sophisticated refinement of the building proportions and fenestration details should be carefully conceived to achieve desired goals.
      C.   Facades shall reflect the quality and the sense of order of the underlying structure in a clear and consistent manner. Window panels (if used) and spandrels shall be differentiated and the percentage of window glass to non-glass area should be a minimum of 25% (window) and 25% (wall) in retail uses.
      D.   Recessed or articulated wall surfaces, columns and beams will help to visually segment an otherwise massive exterior wall surface.
      A.   No boxy and monotonous facades which lack a sense of scale shall be permitted.
      B.   No weak or token expressions of structure or an inconsistent statement of structure shall be permitted.
      C.   No arbitrary, decorative, or stylized architectural treatments shall be permitted.
      D.   No large amounts (more than 70% of wall surface) of reflective glass shall be permitted.
Roof-mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened on all sides. Any devices located on the structure shall be properly screened to minimize visual impact. The color of these devices shall match the building color.
Structures shall appear free of all utility and communication devices. Satellite dishes and antennas shall be ground mounted unless technically infeasible, and shall be located and treated in a manner that reduces visibility from freeways. All installation locations shall be noted on the site plans.
      A.   Freeway signs are limited to identifying the complex, major anchor tenant, structure, or company occupying the site, or a qualifying offsite business, pursuant to Section 19.22.080(4) of this Development Code.
(Ord. MC-929, 12-20-94)
      B.   Freeway signs are permitted on parcels with more than 100 feet of freeway or street frontage in addition to other signs allowed.
      C.   Freeway signs shall be perpendicular to the freeway. Location shall be approximately midway between side property lines.
      D.   Projects over five acres in size with more than 1,000 feet of freeway frontage may be permitted two freeway adjacent signs at the discretion of the Commission. These signs shall not be placed closer than 600 feet to each other. All other regulations shall apply.
      E.   Buildings, such as hotels and restaurants, fronting the freeway are entitled to have a freeway sign and a building sign visible from the freeway.
      F.   Any tree that is removed to accommodate the installation of any sign shall be replaced with a minimum 48-inch box tree.
(Ord. MC-1057, 9-09-99)
Structures with open, exposed craneways are prohibited.