Chapter 3.27
3.27.000   General Findings
3.27.010   Purpose and Applicability
3.27.020   Definitions
3.27.030   Law enforcement facilities, vehicles, and equipment impact fee - Findings
3.27.040   Fire suppression facilities, vehicles, and equipment impact fee - Findings
3.27.050   Local circulation system impact fee - Findings
3.27.060   Regional circulation system impact fee - Findings
3.27.070   Quimby Act Parkland and Open Space Acquisition and Park Improvement impact fee - Findings
3.27.075   AB 1600 Parkland and Open Space Acquisition and Park Improvement impact fee - Findings
3.27.080   Library facility and collection impact fee - Findings
3.27.090   Public meeting facilities impact fee - Findings
3.27.100   Aquatics facilities impact fee - Findings
3.27.105   Storm Drain Development Impact Fee - Findings
3.27.110   Accounting and disbursement of fees
3.27.140   Development fee credits; prepayment
3.27.150   Reimbursement
3.27.170   Deferrals
3.27.180   Application to subsequently annexed land