19.08.010 Purpose
   1.   The purpose of this Chapter is to achieve the following:
      A.   Provide appropriate industrial areas to accommodate enterprises engaged in the manufacturing, processing, creating, repairing, renovating, painting, cleaning, or assembling of goods, merchandise, or equipment.
      B.   Provide adequate space to meet the needs of industrial development, including off-street parking and loading.
      C.   Minimize traffic congestion and avoid the overloading of utilities.
      D.   Protect industrial areas from excessive noise, illumination, unsightliness, odor, smoke, toxic wastes, and other objectionable influences.
      E.   Promote high standards of site planning and landscape design for industrial developments within the City.
      F.   Promote consolidation of industrial uses into comprehensively planned industrial parks.
      G.   Promote a mix of industrial uses that provide the City with a sound, diverse industrial base.
      H.   Ensure compatibility with adjacent land uses.
      I.   Single-family dwelling units which legally existed in the industrial zones prior to June 3, 1991, may remain as a permitted use.
(Ord. MC-823, 3-03-92)
   2.   The purpose of the individual industrial zones is as follows:
(Ord. MC-1393, 12-02-13)
This zone is intended to establish distinctive office industrial parks and corporate centers serving City and regional needs. Supporting retail/commercial services may be located in Corporate Office Industrial Park structures.
This zone is intended to retain, enhance, and intensify existing and provide for the new development of lighter industrial uses along major vehicular, rail, and air transportation routes serving the City.
This zone is intended to provide for the continuation and development of heavy manufacturing industries in locations where they will be compatible with and not adversely impact adjacent land uses.
This zone is intended to promote the mining and processing of the City's mineral resources in the Cajon Creek, Lytle Creek, and Santa Ana River areas, while ensuring their compatibility with adjacent land uses. Additionally, this zone provides for the development of interim uses including, but not limited to lumber yards, outdoor storage, plant nurseries, recreation (non-structural), etc., which do not impair the long term ability to extract and process mineral resources.