3.08.020 Procedures for claims for workers' compensation benefits
The following procedures are established for the processing of claims and the issuance of checks/warrants for workers' compensation benefits:
   A.   The directors of Emergency Services/Human Resources, or his authorized agent, shall certify and approve claims and demands for the payment of workers' compensation benefits as conforming to a budget approved by a resolution of the Mayor and Common Council and shall prepare checks/warrants for such unaudited claims and demands.
   B.   The City Treasurer, or his authorized agent, shall establish a special checking account and shall issue checks/warrants for such unaudited claims and demands.
   C.   The Director of Finance and Management Services shall audit and approve such claims and demands and shall certify as to the accuracy of the claims and demands and the availability of funds for payment thereof and shall attach the affidavit of such certification to the register of audited demands before submission to the Mayor and Common Council.
   D.   Budgeted claims or demands paid by checks/warrants prior to audit by the Director of Finance and Management Services shall be presented to the Mayor and Common Council for ratification and approval at the first meeting after delivery of the checks/warrants.
(Ord. MC-1625, 2-21-24; Ord. MC-1027, 9-09-98; Ord. MC-342, 2-22-84; Ord. MC-310, 10-25-83; Ord. 3651, 6-29-77 )