19.04.010 Purpose
   1.   The purpose of this Chapter is to achieve the following:
      A.   Reserve neighborhood areas for residential living with a broad range of dwelling unit densities (i.e., low-density estate, single-family detached and attached, multi-family, and housing for special needs) consistent with the General Plan and appropriate standards of public health, safety, welfare, and aesthetics.
      B.   Ensure adequate light, air, privacy, and open space for each dwelling.
      C.   Minimize traffic congestion and avoid the overloading of public services and utilities.
      D.   Protect residential neighborhoods from excessive noise, illumination, unsightliness, odor, smoke, and other objectionable influences.
      E.   Facilitate the provision of public improvements commensurate with anticipated increase in population, dwelling unit densities, and service requirements.
      F.   Provide lands to accommodate housing units which meet the diverse economic and social needs of the residents; locating development to achieve the following:
         1.   Retain the scale and character of existing residential neighborhoods;
         2.   Facilitate the upgrade of declining and mixed-density residential neighborhoods; and
         3.   Allow expansion into vacant and low-intensity use lands within infrastructure and environmental constraints.
      G.   Single-family dwelling units which legally existed in the residential zones prior to June 3, 1991 may remain as a permitted use.
(Ord. MC-1393, 12-02-13; Ord. MC-823, 3-03-92)
   2.   The purpose of the individual residential zones is as follows
(Ord. MC-1393, 12-02-13)
This zone is intended for low density residential units located on large lots and conveying an "estate" character with a minimum lot size of 1 net acre per unit.
This zone is intended to promote the development of low-density, large lot, single-family detached residential units with a minimum average lot size of 10,800 square feet. The RL zone allows a maximum density of 3.1 units per net acre.
This zone is intended to promote the development of single-family detached units in a suburban setting with a minimum lot size of 7,200 square feet, and a maximum density of 4.5 units per net acre.
This zone is intended to promote the development of detached and attached units, duplex, mobile home parks, and small lot subdivisions as part of a planned residential development where the intent is to consolidate lots to achieve maximum open space. The RU zone requires a minimum lot size of 7,200 square feet. However, on existing lots of record, recorded prior to June 2, 1989, a minimum lot area of 6,200 square feet and existing lot widths and depths are permitted. The RU zone allows a maximum density of eight units per net acre, and permits the development of senior citizen and senior congregate care housing at a maximum density of 12 units per net acre with a marketing feasibility study and a conversion plan. Multi- family units which legally existed in the RU zone prior to June 3, 1991, may remain as a permitted use.
(Ord. MC-821, 2-19-92)
These zones are intended to promote the development of multi-family townhomes, condominiums, and apartments.
All multi-family zones require a reduced density if the minimum lot size for the zone is not met, and shall comply with maximum densities provided in Table 04.02.
Multi-family units which legally existed in the multi-family zones prior to June 3, 1991, may remain as a permitted use.
(Ord. MC-821, 2-19-92)
         1.   RM (Residential Medium) Zone
This zone requires a minimum lot size of 14,400 square feet with a maximum density of 12 units per net acre. Parcels less than 14,400 square feet in area shall be developed at RU density.
         2.   RMH (Residential Medium High) Zone
This zone requires a minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet with a maximum density of 24 units per net acre. Lots 14,400-20,000 square feet shall be development at RM density. Lots less than 14,400 square feet shall be developed at RU density.
RMH-32 (Residential Medium High) Zone. This zone requires a minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet with a maximum density of 32 units per net acre. Properties within the RMH-32 Zone shall include only those identified in Table 04-05 and Table 04-06 of the 2021-2029 San Bernardino Housing Element, as applicable. The RMH-32 zone shall be subject to the same development standards and permitted uses as the RMH zone.
         3.   RH (Residential High) Zone
This zone requires a minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet with a maximum density of 31 units per net acre. Lots 14,400-20,000 square feet shall be developed at RM density. Lots less than 14,400 square feet shall be developed at RU density.
RH-50 (Residential High) Zone. This zone requires a minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet with a maximum density of 50 units per net acre. Properties within the RMH-32 Zone shall include only those identified in Table 04-05 and Table 04-06 of the 2021-2029 San Bernardino Housing Element, as applicable. The RH-50 zone shall be subject to the same development standards and permitted uses as the RH zone.
All multi-family zones listed above permit the development of senior citizen and senior congregate care housing at a density up to 50% greater than that allowed in the zone with a marketing feasibility study and a conversion plan.
         4.   RSH (Residential Student Housing) Zone
The overlay district is specifically designed to allow student housing complexes on lots located within 500 feet of California State University San Bernardino, and which are at least five acres insize, at a maximum density of 20 units per acre and with no more than 75 bedrooms per acre, and specifically, only on the 8.28 acres on the south side of Northpark Boulevard, east of University Parkway, as designated in General Plan Amendment No. 01-06, and the 10.16 acres on the west side of Northpark Boulevard, northwest of the intersection of University Parkway and Northpark Boulevard in Tract 17703-2 Lot 1, and Tract 17703-3 Lots 1, 2 and 3. In the event that the project no longer houses California State University, San Bernardino students or is demolished, further use of the site will revert back to the underlying land use district policies and standards.
(Ord. MC-1627, 3-6-24; Ord. MC-1406, 7-21-14)