16.18.010 Definitions
For the purpose of this chapter only, unless otherwise apparent from context, words and phrases used in this chapter shall have the meanings hereinafter designated. The definitions in this chapter are included for reference puposes only and are not intended to narrow the scope of definitions set forth in federal, state or other applicable laws or regulations. Words used in this chapter in the singular may include the plural and the plural may include the singular. Use of the masculine shall also mean feminine and neuter.
   A.   "Code" means the San Bernardino Municipal Code.
   B.   "Development Code" means Title 19 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code.
   C.   "Director" means the Director of Community Development and Housing or his/her designee.
   D.   "Responsible Party" means the person liable for placement of a sign. The following is a non-exclusive list of facts which when found to exist, shall constitute prima facie evidence that a person is a Responsible Party:
      1.   Based on information contained on the sign, and information from other sources, the person is identified as the owner or lessee of property used for the activity or event, and/or is the sponsor or promoter of the activitiy or event described on the sign.
      2.   Based on information that appears on the sign, and information from other sources, includeing but not limited to information establishing the individual or corporate identity of the owner of the sign, it is found tha tthe person placed the sign or caused the sign to be placed.
   E.   "Sign" means any notice, writing of letters, words or numerals, pictorial presentation, illustrations or decorations, emblems or devices, symbols or trademarks, flags, banners or pennants, graphic announcement, posters, pictures or any item used to convey any message or idea.
(Ord. MC-1625, 2-21-24)