A. Any person, firm or corporation whether as a principal, agent, employee or otherwise who erects, constructs, enlarges, alters, repairs, moves, improves, removes, converts or demolishes a building or a structure for which a building permit is required by this title and the adopted codes, and for which a permit has not been obtained from the Building Official, or otherwise violates any provision of the adopted codes, or this Title, shall be guilty of either an infraction or a misdemeanor. Any person, firm or corporation whether as a principal, agent, employee or otherwise, violating or causing the violation of any provision of the Fire Code is guilty of a misdemeanor, which upon conviction thereof is punishable in accordance with the provisions of Section 1.12.010 of this Code.
B. Each day during any part of which the activity prohibited by Subdivision A of this section continues, or a violation of the adopted codes continues to exist shall be a separate and distinct offense. The imposition of any penalty for any violation of this Title shall not excuse the violation or permit it to be continued, and all persons shall be required to correct or remedy all such violations or defects within a reasonable time. The application of any penalty shall not be held to prevent the enforced removal of prohibited conditions.
(Ord. MC-1262, 12-18-07; Ord. MC-1261, 12-04-07; Ord. MC-728, 5-08-90; Ord. MC-460, 5-15-85)