15.20.020 Definitions
Except as otherwise defined in this Chapter, all terms used in this Chapter which are defined by applicable State law, the Uniform Code, or this Code, are used in this Chapter as so defined, unless from the context it clearly appears that a different meaning is intended:
   1.   Occupant means any person who occupies a unit, building, structure, or property whether as an owner, or tenant or permittee of the owner.
   2.   Occupancy means the purpose for which a building, structure, or property is used or intended to be used.
   3.   Owner means any person having a legal or equitable interest in the property.
   4.   Person means an individual, partnership, corporation, association or organization, or the agent of any of the foregoing.
(Ord. MC-1372, 4-17-12; Ord. MC-1027, 9-09-98; Ord. MC-671, 7-26-89; Ord. MC-670, 7-19-89)