15.11.080 Building Safety Enhancement Area Building Standards
   A.   Exterior walls. Exterior walls shall be constructed of non-combustible materials or shall provide the equivalent to a minimum of 1-hour fire resistance rated construction on the exterior side.
   B.   Eaves. Eaves shall be enclosed with a minimum 7/8 inch stucco or equivalent protection.
   C.   Exterior glazing. Exterior glazing shall comply with the provisions of the California Building Code and with the following additional requirements:
      1.   Exterior windows, window walls and glazed doors, and windows within exterior doors, shall be tempered glass, or multi-layered glass panels (dual- or triple-paned), or other assemblies approved by the Building Official.
      2.   Vinyl window frame assemblies shall be prohibited, except when they have the following characteristics:
         a)   Frame and sash are comprised of vinyl material with welded corners;
         b)   Metal reinforcement in the interlock area;
         c)   Glazed with insulated glass or tempered;
         d)   Frame and sash profiles are certified in AAMA Lineal Certification Program (verified with either an AAMA product label or Certified Products Directory); and
         e)   Certified and labeled to ANSI/AAMA/NWWDA 101/I.S.2-97 for structural requirements.
         f)   Except when needed to meet the requirements of the California Energy Code at Title 24, Part 6 of the California Code of Regulations.
   D.   Garage Doors. Garage doors shall be constructed of noncombustible materials or fire retardant treated wood.
   E.   Vents.
      1.   All vents shall be covered with 1/8 inch mesh corrosion-resistant metal screen or other approved material that offers equivalent protection.
      2.   Roof-mounted turbine vents shall not be permitted.
   F.   Insulation. Paper-faced insulation shall be prohibited in attics or ventilated spaces.
   G.   Roof covering. All roof covering shall be of non-wood materials with at least a Class A or B fire-retardant rating. The open ends of high-profile tile roofs shall be capped with non-ignitable material to prevent birds' nests or other combustible material from accumulating. Gutters and downspouts shall be constructed of non-combustible material.
   H.   Fences. Where wood or vinyl fencing is used, there shall be a minimum of 5' separation between the wood or vinyl fencing and the wall of the nearest structure except on those properties where previous construction occurred pursuant to a previous Code. Fencing within the 5' separation area shall be of non-combustible material or 1-hour fire-resistance-rated construction.
(Ord. MC-1163, 1-23-04; Ord. MC-1162, 1-06-04)