15.04.190 Bonds Required
A grading permit shall not be issued unless the applicant has first posted with the Building Official a good and sufficient surety bond, cash, letter of credit (Col)or certificate of deposit in such an amount as the Building Official shall estimate and determine to be necessary to cover the total cost of the project, including corrective work necessary to remove and eliminate geological hazards. The Building Official shall require a written itemized estimate of the costs of the grading. The amount of the required bond, cash, instrument of credit or certificate of deposit, is based on the estimate of cost and shall be given to the owner or applicant prior to the issuance of the permit.
When security for the grading is provided for a development on the site where the grading is to be done, the bond for the grading required shall be released upon submission of evidence by the permittee to the Building Official that the grading work is complete and signed off by the Construction Engineer.
An agreement between the Redevelopment Agency, the Inland Valley Development Agency, or the San Bernardino International Airport Authority, and the City of San Bernardino, approved by the City Attorney and unconditionally providing and guaranteeing that said Agency shall provide those grading and other improvements and pay the costs thereof required, may be filed with the Building Official as security in lieu of said bond, cash or certificate of deposit wherever said project is located in a redevelopment project area and the agreement recites that the street improvements are in compliance with the Redevelopment Plan for said area and in furtherance of the public interest in promoting public or private development.