13.25.060 Hearing Procedures and Appeals
   A.   In the event SBMWD denies an application, imposes or materially modifies a condition of approval that is/are unacceptable to Applicant, or suspends or revokes a permit, an appeal may be commenced by Applicant.
   B.   All appeals must be filed in the office of the SBMWD General Manager within fifteen (15) days of any denial, approval with conditions, suspension or revocation. The Appeal filed with SBMWD shall include the name of the Applicant, name, address and telephone number of the person representing applicant, Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) or other description of property involved, any identifying case number or application number issued by SBMWD; the basis for the appeal, the date and signature of the Applicant.
   C.   All appeals shall be heard by the SBMWD Board of Water Commissioners during their regular meetings. The burden of proof at such hearing shall be upon the Applicant. Following the hearing the Board of Water Commissioners shall issue its decision. Said decision shall be deemed a final administrative decision. Upon rendition of any adjudicatory administrative decision by the SBMWD Board of Water Commissioners, notice shall be given to the parties that the time within which judicial review must be sought is governed by the provisions of Section 1094.6 of the California Code of Civil Procedure.
   D.   Any issue relating to the Consent Decree or SOW may, at the discretion of the SBMWD, be adjudicated in the United States District Court for the Central District of California, including the right of the SBMWD to remove any action initially brought in a California trial court.