13.25.010 Purpose
The purpose of this Chapter is to assure that activities occurring in the Management Zone, including but not limited to development, digging, drilling, boring or reconstruction of wells, extraction of groundwater from wells and spreading of water do not interfere with or cause pass through of contaminants from the Newmark and Muscoy Operable Units. Activities such as well construction or reconstruction or artificial recharge undertaken in the Management Zone shall not cause or contribute to the migration of groundwater contaminants from the Newmark and Muscoy Operable Units to uncontaminated areas, nor shall such activities, even at their maximum operation, interfere with or adversely affect the integrity of the Newmark or Muscoy extraction and treatment systems, nor shall they otherwise interfere with the performance of these Interim Remedial Actions at the Newmark and Muscoy Operable Units.
It is the further purpose of this chapter to assure the protection of human health and the environment, and compliance with relevant Federal and State requirements directly associated with the performance of the remedy. It is the further purpose of this chapter to manage the spreading of water within the Management Zone and manage the development, digging, drilling, boring, reconstruction of wells, and extraction of groundwater from wells, to assure compliance with the remedial program set forth in the RODs, Consent Decree and Statement of Work, as defined below and aid in the eventual restoration of the aquifer to beneficial use.
It is the further intent of this Chapter to regulate activities within the Management Zone only to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes set forth and to minimize the regulatory impacts to those intending to spread water or develop groundwater resources in the Management Zone. In addition to any other requirements of Chapter 13.25, the following requirements shall apply to the Management Zone. Nothing contained herein shall exclude compliance with the other provisions of Chapter 13.25. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this Chapter 13.25 and any other Chapter, the terms and provisions of this Chapter shall apply.